what is trenbolone

What Is Trenbolone?

Trenbolone is a powerful anabolic steroid previously used in veterinary medicine with the aim of increasing muscle mass and appetite of cattle. To increase the duration of the substance is not used in its original form, usually used esterified derivatives: Acetate (with the lowest duration of action), Enanthate and Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. After injection into the muscle, Trenbolone esters are gradually decomposed by plasma lipase, providing a long flow of the active substance into the blood. It has a powerful anabolic effect, but has many side effects, so it is not the best choice.

Trenbolone for Sale

Trenbolone Acetate is one of the most popular forms of the drug (trademarks: Tren-Ace-Max, TrenaRapid, Trenoprime). Acetate has a short period of half-collapse, so injected every day. The effective dose is approximately 50 mg daily or 100 mg every other day.

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate – Parabolan is brand name, which is long acting – up to six weeks. For a long time Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate was absent from the market, and all existing drugs under the brand Parabolan were fakes. Currently, the situation with a large number of fakes remains, but released the following official versions: Parabolan 100 by Dragon Pharma, Parabolin by Alpha Pharma and Tren-Max-1 by Maxtreme Pharma. Injections are made once a week or once every 10 days, although it is better to split the weekly dose into two injections to reduce the differences in the concentration of the drug in the blood. Effective dose – 300 mg per week (200-300mg in combination with other drugs).

Trenbolone Enanthate is a form of the drug similar in pharmacological properties to the previous one. Enanthate has a long period of action – about 10 days. Injections are performed 1-2 times a week. The effective dose is 300 mg per week.

what is trenbolone used for

Trenbolone Steroid Profile

Trenbolone has a high affinity for androgen receptors, the ability to bind exceeds 4-5 times that of testosterone. This is due to the high anabolic activity of the drug. Trenbolone is one of the strongest steroids for its ability to increase strength and muscle mass. At the same time, this affects the frequency of side effects, the probability of which is quite high, especially with incorrectly composed cycles.

The substance has gained its popularity mainly because it is not able to aromatize into estrogens under the influence of aromatase; according to the analysis, it may be believed that it provokes the rise of estradiol in the blood (the effect is much less in Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate), but this is a misconception, since metabolites of trenbolone in the analysis may be referred to as estradiol. This does not deprive him of such side effects as gynecomastia and fluid accumulation, which are mainly manifested due to progestin activity.

Trenbolone suppresses the production of its own testosterone, due to the feedback mechanism and progesterone activity (which can provoke gynecomastia). This results in side effects such as decreased libido, sluggish erection and testicular atrophy.

Trenbolone is a 19-nor derivative of testosterone, making it similar to nandrolone in terms of progestin activity. The substance is able to bind to progesterone receptors, which in rare cases leads to gynecomastia, decreased libido (DECA-dick), this property is not strongly expressed.

Detection time – up to 5 months.

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Pharmacodynamics of Trenbolone

  • Increased muscle mass (up to 10 kg per 8 week Trenbolone cycle)
  • Increase of power indicators
  • May increase libido and potency, but there may be a reverse effect (or this effect may not occur at all)
  • Increases insulin-like growth factor by 200%
  • Trenbolone promotes fat burning both independently and by stimulating the secretion of growth hormone
  • Reduces cortisol levels

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