testosterone cypionate cycle

How To Cycle Testosterone Cypionate?

Testosterone Cypionate is a steroid of pronounced anabolic action, which is the longest testosterone ester available. It was developed and released in the 1950s in the United States and is still very popular. Its initial purpose was for medical purposes for the treatment of breast cancer.

Appearing on the market, Testosterone Cypionate cycle quickly gained popularity among weightlifters. It has the ability to quickly build muscle mass, but it retains water in the body. Often it is necessary to compare Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate among themselves. Indeed, they are similar, but Cypionate has a longer effect of up to 16 days and a half-life of up to 8 days. However, it is quite problematic to buy in Europe, as it is produced mainly in the US, and Enanthate is produced by firms around the world.

Testosterone Cypionate is produced in the form of an oil solution (injection). Due to this long-term action, it may cause more fluid retention compared to other anabolic steroids. Once in the body, the substance begins to act as a natural testosterone (a hormone that is responsible for the emotional and physical qualities of men). As a result, the output is a great increase in weight and strength.

Steroid Profile

  • It has a high anabolic and androgenic index;
  • Intermuscular (injections);
  • Active life up to 16 days.

Benefits of Testosterone Cypionate

  1. Provides an excellent increase in muscle mass and strength of the athlete;
  2. Strengthens bones;
  3. Helps to reduce stress on the joints;
  4. Increase appetite;
  5. It helps to recover after training.
testosterone cypionate only cycle

How to Make a Testosterone Cypionate Cycle?

Despite the fact that the duration of action of Testosterone Cypionate is quite large, injections are performed once a week to keep the concentration constantly high.

The average single dose is 250-500 mg per week to gain muscle mass. Testosterone Cypionate gives good results in solo cycles. Practice shows that doses above 800-1000 mg do not lead to better results, but the risk of side effects increases dramatically.

To block the action of estrogen, Nolvadex should be used (10 mg per day, starting from the second week of the cycle and ending with its reception 2 weeks after the end of testosterone intake). A more preferred option: use during a Proviron cycle. After the end of the introduction of Testosterone Cypionate, Proviron should be replaced with Nolvadex to restore the secretion of its own testosterone. The use of antiestrogens reduces the accumulation of fluid in the body, as well as inhibits the development of gynecomastia. Be sure to read the article about Post Cycle Therapy.

If the cycle duration exceeds 4 weeks, HCG 500 IU should be used, 1 time per week for the entire cycle starting from 3 weeks.

how to cycle testosterone cypionate

Combined Cycle with Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Cypionate can be combined with many other anabolic steroids. Effective results will be obtained from a combination with Deca Durabolin, Primobolan Depot or Dianabol. But in general, you need to know what you want to get from the cycle, and mixing steroids you can get not only good results, but also will have more of the side effects. Novice athletes need only one Testosterone Cypionate to achieve their goals. And if you combine several steroids, do not forget about additional drugs in case of side effects.

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